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Selling Solutions

Credit Union Sales Training

In a dynamic economy and uncertain times, your credit union members need financial guidance more than ever. That means credit union teams need to be prepared to offer valuable advice to grow and thrive, which requires a shift from a traditional transaction-based business focus to needs-based fulfillment.

ServiStar Consulting understands credit union DNA, and we have a solution for enabling your institution to make the change successfully. Our sales programs and sales workshops transform credit union cultures as a pathway to higher income and member loyalty.
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Couple doing financial calculations together

Why Do Credit Unions Need Our Selling Solutions?

  • Members want products that will improve
    their lives
    but don't want to feel sold to.
  • Credit unions want to maximize sales without
    sacrificing the member experience.
  • Many credit unions have tried programs
    that didn't last

Why Do Credit Unions Need Our Selling Solutions?

We're a group of credit union experts with firsthand knowledge of unique organizational challenges like the following:

Selling Solutions Features

  • ServiStar Consulting helps credit unions develop long-lasting strategies for managing expectations and incentives.
  • We teach employees how to inspire and lead member- and sales-focused teams.
  • We'll help your organization maximize employees by providing the tools and confidence they need to succeed.
Business team working on a laptop

Selling Solutions Features

ServiStar Consulting's credit union sales and service trainers deliver comprehensive skill-building, including:

You'll also have ongoing access to our leadership team and resource library for additional learning opportunities.

Selling Solutions Benefits


Hire high

Set goals and
measure progress

Selling Solutions Benefits

ServiStar Consulting's sales and service training for credit unions is designed to help your institution:

We offer unique expertise and outside-the-box solutions customized to your organization's needs.
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Women's work group within the company

Learn More About Our Credit Union Sales and Service Training

ServiStar Consulting is different from other credit union sales and service training programs. We're founded, owned and staffed by seasoned industry pros with decades of combined experience. As a result, we offer unique expertise and outside-the-box solutions customized to your organization's needs. Our services are also fully scalable and simple to implement, so we can serve large and small institutions alike.

Let's talk about how we can help — submit your contact information or schedule a personal call for more details.

Enrich your credit union’s culture today.

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