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Build a better credit union team.
Improve member experience.

We’ll show you how.
As credit union consultants, we teach credit union leaders how to maximize employee performance through dedicated training programs, workshops and engagement.
Results Based on Expertise

Our Trusted Solutions For Credit Unions

Illustration of man and woman jumping in front of light bulb signifying a good idea.

Member Experience Builder

Fully customizable, our comprehensive and scalable suite of tools will maximize employee engagement, member experience, and credit union revenue.

Selling Solutions

Build a frontline staff of engaged advocates to enhance the financial lives of your members and improve credit union growth.

Illustration of two male coworkers helping each other up a hill with a flag at the top.

Management Development

Teach your current and future leaders how to improve management performance, employee engagement, member service, and performance.

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The ServiStar Difference

Personalized Consultation

Our services are specifically designed for your particular credit union. We don’t pre-package anything. This allows our dedicated team of credit union experts to identify unique challenges and offer custom solutions.

Credit Union Expertise

Our team is made up of real practitioners with years of experience in the credit union industry. We use a member-centric model that starts with the member’s need and results in a relationship that drives revenue.

Lasting Results

We know you can get information anywhere. Our difference is that we show you how to use and implement it. We offer active support and project management the entire way to help you assess and improve your member experience. Our customized services fit your needs to allow for quick implementation and ensure lasting results.

Inspired and Engaged Learners
Number of cities ServiStar has trained in 2023
Online meetings
held in 2023
Credit Unions

The ServiStar Consulting Impact

ServiStar Consulting clients see significant improvement in key performance indicators compared to credit union industry benchmarks. Download our Client Performance Analysis below and look at real client results.

The Experts

Taylor Murray
Taylor Murray
Chief Executive Officer
Mike Neill
Mike Neill
Chief Learning Officer
Chris Bryan
Chris Bryan
Chief Operating Officer
Scott Albrecht
Scott Albrecht
VP, Learning & Development
Meet the Whole Team
Coaching Resources

Discover Our Secrets to Fostering Successful Credit Unions

Enjoy our selection of ebooks, blogs, podcasts and videos written by industry experts. Our resources are specifically crafted for credit union executives, leaders and teams.

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